In an era marked by sedentary lifestyles and poor dietary habits, the prevalence of fatty liver disease is on the rise. According to data from the Liver Foundation, 25% or about 100 million individuals in the United States live with this disease, and it’s projected to be the number one cause of liver transplantation by 2030. Perhaps most alarmingly, childhood fatty liver disease diagnoses have more than doubled over the past 20 years.
Tied closely to factors such…
Is Tea Good for Liver?
Chances are you’ve heard that drinking green tea from top Canadian tea companies is good for you. But is tea good for liver? The liver is a crucial organ in your body. It’s that hardworking organ that filters toxins out of your blood and produces bile to help break down fats.
So, yea, you should consider how whatever you ingest affects it.
The science on this is mixed, but there are some promising findings that regular tea drinking may help support liver health and possibly reduce the risk of liver disease over time. The antioxidants in tea may limit …
How to Keep Your Organs Healthy
Your body’s organs work all day and night to maintain your health. Your liver functions by breaking down harmful substances by eliminating waste from your blood. Your kidneys clean your blood. Then, your heart pumps the blood into all your organs.
Bargain E-Juice says, if there is a problem with the liver, kidneys, or heart, other parts of the body can be affected. That is why many people try to improve their health by using healthier alternatives such as vaping.
Here are a few tips you can follow to stay healthy.
Staying Hydrated
Your kidneys can eliminate waste from …
National Organ & Tissue Donation Awareness Month
Considering the increasing waitlist, Canada is among the lowest rates of organ and tissue donation among developing nations.
Are you willing to donate 2 minutes to possibly save some life? David Foster and the David Foster Foundation are using April as National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Month to raise awareness of the ongoing need for support and to inspire all Canadians to donate organs and tissues.
The David Foster Foundation is a national non-profit Canadian charity foundation aimed at assisting Canadian people with kids in need of life-saving pediatric organ transplants with non-medical costs.
The David …
National Kidney Month 2021
World Kidney Day is a worldwide initiative to raise awareness about the significance of kidneys. Volunteers and staff from the Kidney Foundation will participate in community events aimed at raising awareness and teaching about preventative behaviors and risk factors, as well as highlighting our services and programs.
The story of Ryker
Ryker’s kidneys failed at the age of 5 weeks, and he was placed on perineal dialysis a week afterward. Ryker was linked up to the machine throughout the first 12 years of its existence. Ryker was recommended for transplantation at BC Children’s Hospital when he …
Alarming Statistics from Canada Concentrating on the Importance of Organ Donation
Alarming Canadian Statistics presented by the David Foster Foundation show the importance of organ donation. On December 3, 2020, the David Foster Foundation raised awareness of the ongoing need for organ donation in Canada by presenting some unexpected and shocking information.
The statistics showed that Canada has one of the lowest donor rates in the world, which is particularly troubling.The David Foster Foundation is a national non-profit Canadian charity foundation dedicated to helping Canadian people with kids in need of life-saving pediatric organ transplantations with non-medical costs.
David Foster, the Founder of …